
March 11, 2010

Course Trip (5-7/3/10)

We had a course trip to Perak last week
share part of the photos here
I'll just let my photo do the talking

We were gathered at UO bus stop before the departure
and took a photo with our banner
"Lawatan sambil Belajar ke Perak"
this is just part of the 2nd year students
1st year, 3rd year students and masters were not in the shot

we went to ISF before went down to Perak
and we had a great time over there
*gaining knowledge*
after that visit
we were late and cannot make it on time to reach our hotel
so we decided to stop and have a meal 1st

we ate KFC
please ignore my silly face

we took quite a lot of funny photo
and I like this 1 the most
nice huh?

Ta da~
and we reached our hotel - Abby Hotel
not that good yet not that bad
just a place for us to sleep and rest

2nd day
we went to another factory
we used more than 3 hours to reach there
because we were lost

we ate a lot
lots of free food over there

after that, we went to a park
and our station game were held over there
-Da Vinci Code-
we need to figure out what's the riddle they gave
and run to the station to complete our task
indeed it was fun
we were so tired and off to bed around 10pm something

3rd day
we planned to go Teluk Batik (beach)
but we run out of time
so we straight away went to our coursemate, Hakam's house
his parents prepared free food for us
thanks to him

that's our journey
we did not played much in this trip
because we spent most of our time in bus
lost lost lost

we played poker in bus
watched movie (malay movie of cause)

[up] girls
took it after we reached the abby hotel on the 1st day
[down] boys + girls
took it at Hakam's house
can spot my legs?

View along the highway

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