I'm not updating my blog for almost a month now, and it's a brand new year with the same old me; I'm not going to write a post to summarize what's happening in year 2014 as I'm not good in doing so, so let's just forget about it. Since this is the first post for this year, I think I'm going to write something different, how about the present that I bought for myself, which I madly in love with it right now but ain't sure if I can keep going with it or not.
I always have a thing with notebooks and stationery, can't help but keep buying more even I know I might not using all of them in one time. The paper quality is very important as I don't like the ink smear on the paper or see through from the other side of the paper, some of the notebooks I got failed me. I keep searching a good quality notebook and finally I found the Midori Traveler's Notebook (TN) from Tabiyo. I got really excited when I received the parcel from Tabiyo, all the items I bought are perfectly pack in a box and they comes with a Traveler's Times newspaper; yet it's all in Japanese and I don't know how to read it but looking at the photos itself make me happy enough.
我是出了名的笔记本/文具控,每每看到对了眼的笔记本都会买下它们,但很多都变成了自己的收藏品,有时会不舍得写作或作画,感觉我的字体会毁了整本书的美感。通常我买笔记本最关心的是里头纸的品质,不喜欢笔墨水在纸上熏开或者透过纸的背面,这样会影响我写作的心情,哈哈。一直想找让我满意的笔记本,但往往都会失望收场,直到我在Tabiyo买了一本Midori Traveler's Notebook,又称手帐。我想你是无法想象当我收到Tabiyo的包裹时刻的那兴奋感,毕竟这是我人生中第一次砸了这么多钱在这一本手帐上。Tabiyo的人都好好噢,把我买的东西包装得美美的,还附送了一本Traveler's Times的报纸,虽然里头都是日文我看不懂,但单看照片就让我很高兴了。
I bought some masking tapes too, one is the limited edition masking tape from Ojisan 20th Anniversary Series, there are a few choices to choose from but I like Ojisan (M-Medium) 1995 the most. To be frank, I have no idea who he is when I bought it, so I google-d and knew that Ojisan is actually a fun character to illustrate a pocket diaries, and it was debuted in Midori's 1995 pocket diary. The Ojisan (M) 2015 masking tape is kind of cute as well, but too bad Tabiyo do not sell it. Another masking tape I got is the Reindeer Christmas Set of 2. I always love to use masking tapes as it does not leave any stain after peeling off, going to purchase more on next round.
除了手帐,我还买了些纸胶带,最喜欢的是Midori欧吉桑20周年纪念的限量版纸胶带,Tabiyo里有几种选择,但我还是钟情于1995年的欧吉桑纸胶带,如果有2015年的欧吉桑纸胶带会更好。在购买的当儿,根本就不懂欧吉桑到底是何人,纯粹是喜欢纸胶带的图案;搜索了才知道原来欧吉桑是笔记本系列中所设定的角色,首次亮相是在1995年Midori所推出的笔记本当中。这个大叔有点可爱,是不? 另一种是圣诞驯鹿的纸胶带,一套有2卷。我会喜欢纸胶带的原因是把它从物体撕下来后不会留下任何的痕迹,而且这种纸胶带用手撕就行了,不用剪刀,适合懒惰的我,哈哈。家里本来就有几卷的纸胶带,是从大众书局买的,我想以后会还是会陆续增加纸胶带。
除了手帐,我还买了些纸胶带,最喜欢的是Midori欧吉桑20周年纪念的限量版纸胶带,Tabiyo里有几种选择,但我还是钟情于1995年的欧吉桑纸胶带,如果有2015年的欧吉桑纸胶带会更好。在购买的当儿,根本就不懂欧吉桑到底是何人,纯粹是喜欢纸胶带的图案;搜索了才知道原来欧吉桑是笔记本系列中所设定的角色,首次亮相是在1995年Midori所推出的笔记本当中。这个大叔有点可爱,是不? 另一种是圣诞驯鹿的纸胶带,一套有2卷。我会喜欢纸胶带的原因是把它从物体撕下来后不会留下任何的痕迹,而且这种纸胶带用手撕就行了,不用剪刀,适合懒惰的我,哈哈。家里本来就有几卷的纸胶带,是从大众书局买的,我想以后会还是会陆续增加纸胶带。
Next up, the Midori Traveler's Notebook. The package come with a printed postcard that guide you steps to enjoy or customize our own TN, and a self-made bookmark. I only got the starter kit that comes with a leather cover (you can choose Black or Brown, obviously I got brown for mine), a cotton bag for you to keep your TN in case you don't want to have scratches on the leather, a 003 Refill Blank Notebook and a spare rubber band. I top up a 002 Refill Grid Notebook as I know my handwritting will be very messy if I write on a blank page. I already started to write things on it and I'm in love with it especially the paper quality, so nice that I do not face any ink problem with it, another plus point is the TN is light in weight, so that I can bring it anywhere I go.
现在才要介绍最重要的 - 手帐。除了手帐,Tabiyo还很细心的准备了自制的小书签和一张类似明信片的卡片,上面有指导我们该怎么搭配手帐。Tabiyo有卖很多不同类型的补充本和附件,但我暂时只为自己买了starter kit,选了褐色的皮革外套,还附送了一本空白补充本(共64页),一条捆绑手帐的橡皮圈和一个棉织的保护套,如果你不喜欢你的皮革外套有任何的刮痕,你可以用这个保护套来收藏你的手帐。自己添加了一本格子补充本,我不太会在空白的书/纸写字,字会越写越歪,不好看。我会赶紧用完空白的补充本然后以后只买格子或线条的补充本,因为以后之需要购买补充本,所以这个Midori手帐就算是一次型的投资。纸的品质超好的,没有那些我说的问题,而且最重要的是加了补充本的手帐不会很重,可以无时无刻的带出门。
I love the quote: For all the travelers who have a free spirit. Other than travel tips and bits, I'll treat it as a functional notebook to record my life and planning, TN is a reason for me not updating my blog that often these day, I'll still updating my blog no worry.
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Love to get good news from friends.
Hey congratulations to the TN family! Me either!! :) There's so much things to be written inside the book! :) hope you enjoy!! :)
ReplyDeleteYup, so much thing to write but too little time ^^
DeleteNice notebook. Will look for one also!! Haha..